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Social Enterprises in Indonesia

By: Maria R N Radyati, Tony Simmonds - Trisakti University, ECT-Center for Entrepreneurship, Change and Third Sector, Indonesia

Category: Embeddedness with the local authorities, Funding, National regulation/legal forms, Network/ umbrella or intermediary organisations, Political trends/Welfare system, Type of SE/ legal forms,

Country: Indonesia

Social Enterprises in France

By: Didier Chabanet and Manlio Cinalli - Sciences Po Paris, Patrick Gilormini - ESDES Business School Lyon and Atelier de l’Entrepreneuriat Humaniste (AEH)


Country: France

Social Enterprises in Argentina

By: Leopoldo Blugerman - Centro de Innovación Social - CIS, Adrián Darmohraj and Mariana Lomé - Universidad de San Andrés and members of CIS

Category: Bureaucracy, Funding, Market orientation, National regulation/legal forms, Political trends/Welfare system, Type of SE/ legal forms,

Country: Argentina